Tuesday 13 August 2013

158 Collins Street, my home away from home.

The photo that I took it’s a house or rather a student accommodation where I stay in Brixton. The house have become my second home away from home. I share a room in this house with my Roommate/best friend, we have created so many memories in a short period of time, we started staying there this year, yet it feels like I grew up in it. Being on my own in that accommodation have provided me with self of belonging and independence where I take change of my life, without my parents being around. I took this picture in a sense that it shows the whole house, which I believe it shows the warmth and its quietness, since it is the place of study for me and other housemates. When it look at the picture it does not say much but inside filled with memories and new experiences for me since it was my first time being on my own, which I usually refers to as out of my mother’s shadow. 158 Collins Street that is where I stay my second home away from home that is where I feel at home, this house in the picture provides me with the sense of belonging. I added two picture of the street just to give a sense of the environment of Collins street 

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